Friday, October 20, 2006

Skunk 1, Sally 0

I got home last night from a 6-day work trip. I woke up this morning better rested and ready to start my day. I came downstairs with the boys shortly after 6 am and let Sally outside. I heard her bark, which was unusual so I turned on the outside lights to see what was going on. While looking for her, I was suddenly overcome with skunk smell! You've GOT to be kidding me! I called Sally in to the mudroom and wiped off her face and in particular, her right eye. She was squinting with that eye and I'm assuming she took a direct hit there.

I can't believe how quickly that smell traveled throughout the house, despite containing her in the mudroom. I opened the garage door for fresh air and now that smells too. Cranky woke up and said he could smell it right away, all the way upstairs. By that time I was spraying Febreze on her, hoping to neutralize some of the smell. (I read online that it helps. It didn't.)

This is not how I wanted to start my morning. I hadn't even poured my cup of coffee yet! I got the kids out to the bus stop at 7:15 and gave Sally a bath. I read that hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a little dish soap is a good way to clean skunk spray. Sally hates getting a bath so I had her hitched to a fence post. She actually put up with it better than she normally does. I don't think she liked the smell much either so she even cooperated when I was scrubbing her face.

Here she is looking humble after being scrubbed:

Tomorrow I am flying to Atlanta to pick up a friend's dog. Toby will be staying with us for 2 months while his family is in Australia. When he meets Sally on Sunday I hope he doesn't think, "Girl, you need to wash now and then!"

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Blogger Heidi the Hick said...

Oh Sally! You look so dejected! (Will you learn not to tangle with a skunk after this????)

Dobby usually wakes up about 6:30. I put him out, feed the cat, and let him back in for his breakfast. Sometimes I wonder if a little suburban skunk will come and get him. It's occurred to me that it would be a nasty way to start the day.

I really hope your day gets better!!!

Fri Oct 20, 09:19:00 AM EST  
Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Glad we don't have skunks in the UK.

Fri Oct 20, 01:40:00 PM EST  
Blogger Balloon Pirate said...

Did you know that there are some people who actually like the smell of skunk? Statistically, it's about 1 person in 250,000.

Also, skunk musk is a soporific.

Man, the stuff I know...

If it ever happens again, rub her down with tomato juice mixed with lemon juice. Let it sit on her fur for a few minutes, then wash her.


Fri Oct 20, 01:50:00 PM EST  

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