It's Pumpkin Carving Day!

October 23rd is another anniversary date for Cranky and me. In 1992, we were living in Tacoma Washington. I was only days away from being released from active duty (Air Force) and Cranky was leaving the next day on a 2-week military exercise in Las Vegas. That afternoon we decided to carve a pumpkin for Halloween since we wouldn't be together. It was a work of art!
That night we went to a keg party at a friend's house and had a great time. We went back to Cranky's house in his Cadillac, with Frank Sinatra in the tape player. He pulled up in front of the house. We were talking for a bit before getting out of the car and Cranky says, "Hey, would you consider marrying me?". I immediately replied, "Yah, sure!" He gave me a that-was-an-awfully-quick-answer look and I realized he was proposing. He said "CONSIDER"! I thought it was a hypothetical question. We both chuckled and I asked if he was serious.
He was and my answer still stood.
We went into the house, lit the jack-o-lantern, and talked by the light of the flickering candle. The next morning he went off to Vegas and I went home with the pumpkin, wondering if we were really engaged or if it was just a helluva keg party. He told me later that he almost asked when we were in Wayne's garage, getting a beer from the keg!
I'm glad we were in the cadillac. Sinatra was a nice touch too...
Anyway, the rest is pretty much history. Since that night we've tried to carve the pumpkin on October 23rd every year. Cranky does the carving, and I scoop out the guts.

Left to right: Family pumpkin, Bob's pumpkin (face drawn by Mary), Raymond's and Mary's pumpkins.