Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Gross Picture of the Day

Last night, my 6 yr. old son asked me to look at his back. Something was bothering him and he couldn't remember what had happened.

This is what I saw:

Lovely tick, huh? Just looking at the picture makes me cringe. I had to pull it out with tweezers, which was no easy task! The tick put up quite a fight! Raymond took it like a trooper, no tears shed. We saved it (in case Raymond gets sick later and we need to get it checked) and he wants to bring it to school for show and tell. I don't think so...


Blogger Heidi the Hick said...

oooh. Tick season. Yeesh.

We've got the mosquitoes. yay for summer.

Tue May 23, 09:26:00 AM EST  
Blogger Notsocranky Yankee said...

Heidi: We're in black fly season right now. Mosquitoes next. It sucks!

Tue May 23, 09:50:00 AM EST  
Blogger Balloon Pirate said...

urgh. i've never been bitten by a tick.

my uncle used to burn them off his skin with a cigarette.

your way sounds better.

but not by much.

hope your son doesn't get anything.


Tue May 23, 10:45:00 AM EST  
Blogger Notsocranky Yankee said...

BP: I used to think the way to remove a tick was to burn it's ass to make it let go. (In fact we did that last summer to one that was on our dog.) But I read about tick removal online since this one was burroughed in so well and burning was not recomended. Another technique is to suffocate it by smothering it with vaseline, but I read that the tick has enough oxygen to finish the blood-sucking anyway. Nice stuff, huh?

Tue May 23, 11:50:00 AM EST  
Blogger Colleen said...

oh god
i think i just threw up a little


Tue May 23, 12:57:00 PM EST  
Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Thank you.

I am now afraid of ticks.

Tue May 23, 01:18:00 PM EST  
Blogger mal said...

I used to get ticks in the brush along the central coast...I HATE THEM


Tue May 23, 02:46:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jessica said...

Growing up in Missouri, I've seen my share of ticks. This one is impressively red. I'm glad you read about removing it first. I believed the quickly-extinguished-match-burning theory, too, under the impression that tweezers might separate the body from the head. Smart of you to save it. I had a friend with Lyme disease as a kid; very unpleasant.

Tue May 23, 09:53:00 PM EST  
Blogger doodlebugmom said...

Yick! Glad the tick came out whole. My daughter had one years ago. I grabbed the tweezers and only got half of it. Followed by a long lecture from the doc who got to get the rest out.

The picture should be gross enough for show and tell! lol

Thu May 25, 09:56:00 PM EST  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I am neurotic about parasites. *shudder* I would have been in hysterics, no matter which side I was on (unless I was the tick).

Fri May 26, 04:54:00 PM EST  

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