Monday, April 02, 2007

It Almost Feels Like Spring!

Okay, maybe not yet, but we are getting excited about motorcycle season anyway. Today it's rainy with temps expected to reach 42 degrees. At least the snow is almost gone...

This weekend Raymond tried out his Honda CR50. It's his first "gas-powered" dirtbike (his others have been electric) and it's got a lot of zip! The yard is too muddy for us to let him ride there yet, so he went up and down the driveway, getting used to the throttle, kick start and gears. He hasn't gotten out of first gear yet, but he doesn't need any more speed right now. The rest of his protective gear should be here soon for the offroad riding.

He's growing like a weed! I guess he needs some longer pants, huh?

Here's my bike (KLR250):

I went up and down our street trying to get used to the clutch. I'm getting some tires this week that will be better for street riding...Hopefully I'll be riding well enough to get my motorcycle license next month!

Bob is sticking to his tricycle for now:


Blogger Heidi the Hick said...

We've got pix of our kids llike that only they're on horses instead of motorbikes!

Sat Apr 07, 10:52:00 AM EST  

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