Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Festivus for the Rest of Us!

Yesterday morning the sunrise over Europe was quite beautiful:

Then the sun finally appeared on the horizon, officially kicking off the morning:

Back in the fall, I went to a wine festival here in Weisbaden Germany. But in December, I really enjoy the Christmas festival. The weather was nice the first night I went. I hunted down my favorite greasy treat. I call it a fried potato thingy with applesauce, but it might be called kartoffelpuffer. At least that's what the signs say at the stand. Here's a picture of the guy cooking them:

He said something to me in German when the camera flashed - I almost ran off, but I wanted a kartoffelpuffer! And here it is:

(I had to sneak off into an empty area to take a picture. I was by myself and I didn't want anybody to think I was crazy.)

Another treat I enjoyed here was oven baked pizza. This woman is checking the pizzas in the wood burning oven:

Gluhwein (pronounced glue-vine) is the drink of choice at the festival. It is a mulled wine and many stands have souvenir glasses that you can keep or you turn in for the 2 euro deposit.

Here is the glass I got the other night:

I didn't actually drink all the gluhwein, because I didn't like it very much. Maybe if I could speak a little German I could figure out which type tastes the best...

There were lots of tents with vendors selling their wares. Here is a cookie stand:

This artist welded really cool characters out of pipes, nuts and bolts.

This woman's "fairy" stand gave me the creeps so I didn't get any closer than this:

Candles, candles candles! There were a lot of candle stands. I saw a lot that I liked but only bought a couple bee's wax candles:

Here's a big Christmas tree with a manger display in front of it. There is no war on Christmas here!

The fair also has kiddy rides. I had to take pictures of the creepy carnival statues in front of this one.

Do you like how they "Christmased" them up? A red coat and a green holiday rope lights is all you need!

There was also a very large double-decker merry-go-round.

Here are the treats that the kids were very excited about.

A couple of years ago I brought home a big long box of these, labeled the "Dick-o-meter". Yes, it was about 1 meter long and full of these Dickmann marshmallow treats. Even the Germans were laughing and pointing at the box as I carried it through the airport. Apparently, these are a holiday treat because I found these boxes at a store in the train station, and I have not seen them any other time of year. (Unfortunately no Dick-O-Meter box this year.) They are sold individually at the market, but they don't travel well.

Cranky and I need to go stuff some stockings now. I'm so happy to be home!

I wish everybody and very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Merry Christmas, my friend! That fairy stand is a little, er... odd... But potato pancakes! I love potato pancakes! Good call!

Mon Dec 25, 02:47:00 PM EST  
Blogger mal said...

I envy you and my brother for all the travels and new experiences that flying has brought you


Mon Dec 25, 10:20:00 PM EST  
Blogger Balloon Pirate said...

I don't know which I laughed at more--the fairy stall or the Dickmann's. I'm guessing most men don't like the mini Dickmann's.

And the more common name for kartoffelpuffer is latkes, and they're delicious!

Merry Christmas, and I hope we keep getting these travelogues in the year to come!


Wed Dec 27, 10:08:00 AM EST  
Blogger Notsocranky Yankee said...

Saur: Yeah, I didn't get too close to the fairy lady...

Mal: It's the best job for me!

BP: I'm not sure what goes into the kartoffelpuffers, but it looks like a batter with lumps when they ladle it into the fryer.

I'm going to Accra, Ghana on New Year's Day. Should be plenty of post material there.

Wed Dec 27, 06:23:00 PM EST  
Blogger Heidi the Hick said...

I wish I spoke more German!

The Carnival ride statue is creepy in the background there's a character who looks like Alfred E Neuman! Also I have a great mental image of you taking pictures of your lunch!

Merry Happy and I'll keep reading in the New Year!

Fri Dec 29, 12:44:00 PM EST  
Blogger Colleen said...

OMG I love chocolate covered marshmallows!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my friend

Sat Dec 30, 02:54:00 PM EST  

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