Epic Ride!
On Labor Day weekend Cranky and I packed up the KLR-650's and went on an epic ride. Well, maybe not totally epic, but we went motorcycle camping. Cranky's bike had all the camping gear, and I had food, beer, a cookstove and my clothes.

We rode up to our favorite hiking/camping area, the White Mountains. We drove about 100 miles (taking the scenic route to avoid highways) and ended up camping near Lincoln NH.

Even the bikes had cover:

This picture isn't very good, but that is our dinner, brats w/peppers & onions, cooking over the fire. It was wicked delicious.

The next day we packed up and drove the Kancamagus Highway to North Conway, then north through Crawford Notch before turning back south towards home, about 200 miles. Here I am near Crawford Notch.

One of the roads we took was Rte 118. It was a beautiful road to ride and there weren't many cars on it. Here's Cranky at a "scenic overlook".

This was our last chance to get away while my mother was in NH (She's the only one we have to watch the kids overnight.) Hopefully next summer we will get to go more often.

We rode up to our favorite hiking/camping area, the White Mountains. We drove about 100 miles (taking the scenic route to avoid highways) and ended up camping near Lincoln NH.

Even the bikes had cover:

This picture isn't very good, but that is our dinner, brats w/peppers & onions, cooking over the fire. It was wicked delicious.

The next day we packed up and drove the Kancamagus Highway to North Conway, then north through Crawford Notch before turning back south towards home, about 200 miles. Here I am near Crawford Notch.

One of the roads we took was Rte 118. It was a beautiful road to ride and there weren't many cars on it. Here's Cranky at a "scenic overlook".

This was our last chance to get away while my mother was in NH (She's the only one we have to watch the kids overnight.) Hopefully next summer we will get to go more often.